Depression and Stress

One of the greatest challenges we all face has to do with stress; it does not have to be with major traumas’ in life but with life in general, with the daily pressure that we so often face.
Doctors report that up to 90 percent of patients they see come with stress-related complaints. Science has shown that when we are stressed, we release certain hormones that can affect various organs in our bodies.
Over long periods of time, the organs can be weakened by these hormones, making them more susceptible to disease.

Stress for instance, can release adrenaline, which causes the heart to beat faster and more powerfully, leading to palpitations. some stress hormones cause  the blood vessel to constrict, causing hyper tension. Stress can induce shallow and rapid breathing, even hyper ventilation. stress can result in diversion of blood from the stomach, causing digestive problems.(who has not felt what fear ,anxiety and worry can do to the stomach?)
Stress can cause an increase In blood glucose, which in some people can lead to diabetes. Stress is also known to have a negative impact on our sleep, which in turn can have a negative effect on our overall health. Stress  has been shown ,too, to effect negatively our immune system, our body’s frontline against disease.
The list can go on and on. And so the point should be clear. We need to learn to handle stress.

Hope against Depression
Depression, or extreme discouragement to the point of becoming disabled, has been experienced by many people. Hopelessness is a symptom of depression. All people at times ,face moments of extreme discouragement  for any variety of reasons.
Of course when depression is severe, it’s important to get professional help, when possible. No wonder , then the word of  God is filled with promises that can give all of us, no matter our situation, the reason to hope for abetter future, if not in this world, then certainly in the next. After all, regardless of  your relation ship with God, were you physically ill you would seek help of a doctor or health professional. Its the same with those who are suffering from sever clinical depression, which often is caused by a genetic predisposition and chemical imbalance in the brain. Thus, even Christians, at times, might need the help of professionals.
Catastrophic thinking

When one sees oneself negatively (“ I am dumb”), looks at the world pessimistically (“life is always unfair”), and contemplates the future hopelessly (“ it will never improve”) chances of depression become high. This kind of thinking is called “Catastrophic thinking”
There are cultural differences in manifesting emotional distress. People in certain context suffer in silence, avoiding any obvious or visible complaint. Others use moaning and wailing when going through sorrow. There are also personal differences; some people are able to approach death with more tranquillity than others can.

Depressive symptoms commonly are found in individuals with prolonged or terminal disease. Depressive symptoms are so pain full that many will attempt suicide to end this horrible experience. Infarct more than 10 percent of clinically depressed patients kill them selves. Clearly , clinical depression is a serious matter and must be treated that way.

Depression causes a variety of painful manifestations;(a) a deep sense of a sadness (sorrow),a lack of motivation to do any thing, even enjoyable activities, a change in appetite and either weight loss or gain, sleep disturbances, sleeping either not enough or too much, feeling of low self –esteem, poor reasoning and memory and thought of death and suicide.
Some people experience one or two symptoms, while others manifest several and suffer for moths until the episode ends. In any case, the burden of depression is enormous and must be relieved by medical and spiritual intervention.

Relief from Depression.
Like most emotional disorders, depression necessitates that the sufferer speak about his or her struggles. This  act  alone can begin to initiate healing. Approaching the Lord in fervent and sincere prayer is a safe way to release tension and psychological pain. Often more is needed, but it can be a good start.

A basic coping strategy for depression consists of talking to a friend ( or a therapist) who  knows how to listen and, even better, who knows to help access  more intensive resources, if needed.
There is a healing effect in verbalising thoughts and feelings .It is important for any one going through hard times and who feels discouraged or even depressed to have some one they trust talk to. Sometimes merely talking to someone can go along way in helping a person feel better.

The counsellor’s appointment, if possible at all, may not be available until next week. But we can turn to the Lord any time, any hour of the day or a day of the week.
Even secular psychologists are recommending that clients who believe in prayer pray. All of us, even when not suffering with something such as clinical depression, can experience the impact of how praying to the Lord does help to make us feel better. No matter who we are or how deep our discouragement, having a relation ship with God can go a long way in bringing us hope and discouragement and healing.

When we meet sufferers of depression, we must be extremely careful not to blame them, nor should we simply conclude that they are wicked people, and that’s why they are in distress. It is unfortunate that many people seem to be able to offer concern and understanding to those suffering from an organic malady, true clinical depression, but tend to be quite judgmental in dealing with mental or emotional turmoil brought about by their own actions.

Edgar Allen Poe in his “Tell-Tale Heart” refers to the story of a man who committed murder and hid the victims body under the flood boards of the room in which the murder had been committed. He hoped to leave his guilty hidden with the body, but a strong sense of remorse grew within him. One day he heard the victims’ heartbeat; and the beat grew louder and louder .Later it became clear that the pounding was coming not from the grave  below but rather, from his own heart.

At the same time, too ,there are people who, fill greatly distressed  from a sense of guilt. They often feel unworthy of forgiveness and lament the horrible suffering that their actions have brought  this can be a source of great distress. In such cases, its important to learn from our past mistakes and, to whatever degree possible, make restitution for whatever wrong we have done

Hope against distress
Hope is essential to live our lives with a reasonable amount of mental health. Hope must be alive even for unbelievers--- youth in search for employment must hope they will find a job , a lost traveller must hope he will find his way, and investors who have lost their money  must believe that their will be better times. living with zero hope  leads to meaninglessness and death
When Italian philosopher and poet Dante Alighieri (A.D. 1265-1321) attempted to describe hell in his Divine Comedy , he envisioned a big sign at the entrance saying: “ Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!”
The worst possible punishment is deprive someone of hope.

We all suffer sadness and discouragement in one form or another at one time or another. Think a bout this; what things bring you down and why? How can you help those who are suffering depression , discouragement ,guilt ,sorrow or emotional distress  for any reason not to give up their faith but cling on hope