Depression and Stress

One of the greatest challenges we all face has to do with stress; it does not have to be with major traumas’ in life but with life in general, with the daily pressure that we so often face.
Doctors report that up to 90 percent of patients they see come with stress-related complaints. Science has shown that when we are stressed, we release certain hormones that can affect various organs in our bodies.
Over long periods of time, the organs can be weakened by these hormones, making them more susceptible to disease.

Stress for instance, can release adrenaline, which causes the heart to beat faster and more powerfully, leading to palpitations. some stress hormones cause  the blood vessel to constrict, causing hyper tension. Stress can induce shallow and rapid breathing, even hyper ventilation. stress can result in diversion of blood from the stomach, causing digestive problems.(who has not felt what fear ,anxiety and worry can do to the stomach?)
Stress can cause an increase In blood glucose, which in some people can lead to diabetes. Stress is also known to have a negative impact on our sleep, which in turn can have a negative effect on our overall health. Stress  has been shown ,too, to effect negatively our immune system, our body’s frontline against disease.
The list can go on and on. And so the point should be clear. We need to learn to handle stress.


Stress touches everyone. Demands at work, family crises, guilt, and uncertainty about the future, dissatisfaction with the past-these all are hard enough.
Optimism and hope often are crowded out of our lives by our busy schedules. We can become so focussed on things and work , even good and necessary activities and we loose out on how we can grow up in all aspects of our lives.


­As humans, we are the most rational of all the world’s created beings. Marvellous as they are, frogs, dogs, cats and donkeys don’t have our capacity to reason. Yet, even with all our powers of logic and rationality, we’re also emotional beings. One could argue, justifiably, that emotions rule our lives to much greater extent than reason does or ever could.
So often , instead of being in control of our emotions, they control us, even to the point of pushing us into radically wrong choices that cause us even more grief and sorrow .Fortunately, that that doesn’t always need to be the case.

The water of life

Water?  Yes, we are truly aquatic beings, in the sense that our bodies are made up of about 60 percent water. Our brains believe it or not, are about 85 percent water. Even our hard bones are about 10 to 15 percent water
Full of wonder and mystery, water is foundational to all physical life. Without it, we could not exist. As you read on we will take a look at both the spiritual and physical aspect of this truly essential liquid.

As creatures, we need water in order to survive. In fact, every body cell, tissue, and organ needs water to function.
         i.            Water helps to regulate  body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen to cells
       ii.            Water removes waste, prevents constipation, moistens tissues, cushions joints, and keeps blood flowing throughout the body.